Benevolence Program


The 4Points Benevolence Program is intended to be simple yet give a general framework to disciple someone who has expressed a physical need.


R. C. Sproul (Christianity Today [3/5/82], p. 94) points out that there are different categories of poor in the Bible, each requiring different responses:

  1. The poor because of laziness or disobedience. This group receives God’s judgment.
  2. The poor because of disease, famine, or other catastrophe. This group receives the compassion of God and His people.
  3. The poor because of exploitation. This group receives the protection of God through justice.
  4. The poor for righteousness’ sake. This group endures voluntary poverty owing to their decision to choose less affluent endeavors or vocations.

Community Resources

Many times, the person just needs guidance to resources available to everyone. We have a rather extensive list of resources under the [Resources] tab for Homeless, Emergency Relief, Education, and even Bonding Agents.

If a 4Points Covenant Member approaches and asks for help:

Fill out the online [Benevolence Intake Form] but use the name “Covenant Member” in the name blank, then fill in their need. Make sure they are appropriately, and privately connected with an Elder to handle the situation.

Extended Opportunity Section

  1. If the requester returns for help within 12 months, a 4Points Ally should be assigned to:
    • Interview them and fill out the long form (paper only)
    • Along with the Elder Body, help evaluate their willingness to enter into a partnership with the goals of developing, or restoring, their relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and aiding their ability to get out of the poverty cycle.
  2. If the requester is ready and willing, the 4Points Ally will make a long term action plan which requires weekly meetings, church attendance, and honest reporting to move the individual from poverty to independence.  The long term action plan should be written out as an agreement and signed by the individual.